A recruiter takes about 6-8 seconds to analyze a resume before deciding whether or not you are suitable for the position. The contents must be concise and well organized, with a clear design and immediately understandable, so as to make the most of the little time available.

Follow these steps to write an effective resume and be contacted by companies!

The Job description

Carefully analyze the job offer and enter the keywords, such as the characteristics of the requested figure, or the skills that correspond to those sought by the company so, If they use artificial intelligence to skim candidates, you’ll be sure to be selected.

Remember to customize your resume and adapt it to each job position you apply for, this way you increase your chances of being considered, also try to respond to the needs of the company.

Effective layout

Inserisci le informazioni in ordine cronologico, utilizza i grassetti per evidenziare le parole chiave, elenchi puntati, lascia spazi bianchi ad esempio saltando una riga per agevolare la lettura e permettere al recruiter di trovare subito le informazioni.

Enter the information following the chronological order, use bold to highlight keywords, bullet points, leave blank spaces by skipping lines to make it easier to read and allow the recruiter to find information right away.

Follow the right order, the structure must be clear:

Customizable templates are very useful, just follow the sample and add your personal information. Here’s an example.

Canva has many options, you just need to look for the one that best suits your job and your personality.

Professional Experience

Remember to mention your work experiences following the chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. They must be relevant to the role you are applying for, remove those experiences that are not important for the company’s field or that are out of context.